Tolga Scrub

The Tolga Scrub is one of the last remaining fragments of the
endangered type 5b or Mabi rainforest (Complex Notophyll Vine Forest) on the
Atherton Tablelands. There is about 2% of original Mabi forest left. It once
covered areas north and west of Malanda, on fertile basalt soils where the
annual rainfall is 1300 - 1600 mm. Tolga Scrub is on the very north-west
boundary and in the driest part of Mabi distribution. Mabi is characterised by
the presence of scattered, mainly deciduous emergent trees up to 45m tall, heavy
leaf fall during times of moisture stress and a well-developed shrub layer. It
is the most drought resistant type of rainforest in Australia. Widespread
clearing of Mabi has resulted in several endemic plant species being listed as
'vulnerable to extinction'. Tolga Scrub, only 26 hectares or 65 acres in area,
is long and narrow. It is about 2 kms long and 100 metres wide.
Script courtesy of: The Tolga Bat Hospital.